Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Almost On Target.

I am shortly going to put on Disgrace, and that will be my 97th film since I started this seemingly easy but surprisingly difficult 365 films in 365 days challenge. It started back on the 9th of November, which makes today the 100th day. So, pretty good going, I reckon. In there I've had a trip to Iceland, which broke up my watching, the Christmas/New Year period, where obviously I dropped a couple of titles, and a bit of a life. But I've also had plenty of days watching two or three films in order to make up for it. It's been great so far, sometimes demanding (after a long day of work, when you're tired and hungover from a night out the night before, forcing yourself to watch a three hour Inuit film can be too hard - Atanarjuat, I'll try you again sometime soon. I'm sorry.)

But, onwards! I have a couple of weeks off next month when I plan on doing some of my own work, but will definitely manage to make up for the few days I'm behind already, as well as hopefully being able to capitalise on the time to put myself ahead for a few days - my parents are visiting through April/May, so I'm going to need to be prepared to drop a whole bunch of days then. But still, 97/100 is a pretty good total, I reckon.

Only 268 to go! (When I put it like that, it sounds extremely formidable...)

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